Korean Kitty

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Well, since I haven't been in school regularily, I've been really, really horrible at updating my blog. I made it home safe from Taiwan (yes, for those of you that don't know, I spent Chinese New Year in Taiwan... Feb. 8-13). I'll be posting my Taiwan adventure sometime at the end of next week. I'm on vacation until March 2nd. Tomorrow my friend Beth and I are going to take a train down to Busan. Busan is in the south part of Korean on the coast. It's about a 5 1/2 hour train ride there. We plan on doing some site seeing since both of us are on vacation at that time. We may also be stopping in some other cities, no real definite plans. Though, we do know we are going to check out the aquarium and fish market in Busan, along with the beaches :-) It should be an adventure, I'll write more about how it goes later!

Hope you're all doing well!


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