Korean Kitty

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Well I guess all it took was for me to write a depressing blog about not having a job and not using my degree. I am not gainfully employed as a Staff Accountant at a CPA firm in Durham. I started on Monday and things are going alright. I work Monday-Thursday 8:30-5 and Friday 8:30-12:30 during the non-tax season, and a bazillion hours during tax season. I am salaried though, so that's good. I'll be doing monthly accounting, quarterly tax preparation and year-end tax prep. Similar to what I've done at Dad's office, but the monthly accounting is in way more detail...general ledger work, bank reconciliations, write-ups... All stuff I haven't done in a while, but things are going pretty well. I'm the 5th person in the office. I have my own office, but I haven't really moved into it yet, I got a phone today, it got painted this week, Tuesday I'm supposed to get my furniture, not sure when the computer will be ready though.

Other than that, nothing much has been going on. I'm volunteering at the All About Beer festival in Durham tomorrow and getting my hair done in the morning. Don't know what's gonna happen on Sunday yet, but I'm sure it will be something.

So, I'm super excited I have a job...things are finally kinda starting to look up!


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