Korean Kitty

Monday, September 12, 2005

Quick Update

Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while. Everything here is going fine. On Friday night it was my friend Peter's birthday so we went out in Seoul to celebrate. On Saturday Peter was nice enough to take us to a travel agent and we booked tickets to MACAU!!!! That's right folks, on Saturday I will be leaving for Macau! Well...Friday night I'm spending the night at Jenny's house, then we are headed for the airport bright and early Saturday morning. For those of you that don't know, Macau is a little island South of China near Hong Kong. In 1999 Macau was handed over from Portuguese rule. The main language spoken is Cantonese (which I cannot speak), second is English, and third is Portuguese. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures for you. I will be gone until Wednesday morning (that's right...plane lands in Incehon at 6:30 Wednesday morning and I teach at 10, so hopefully nothing is delayed)!!!! Well, off to bed now, I have Taekwondo with Jaclyn after school tomorrow!


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