Korean Kitty

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Back home

Just to let everyone know, I made it home safe and sound from Macau. Next week I have a "full" week of teaching, then the following week.... Monday is a holiday and Tuesday-Friday are exams, so hopefully that will give me some time to label all my Macau pictures and post the link here. That's right folks, I managed to take 263 pictures in Macau. And yes, I do realize that I was only there for like 4 days! And hopefully I'll get to put up some posts about what we actually did in Macau!

Friday, September 16, 2005

It's Vacation time!! ...and photos!

Well, today is my last day at school before heading off to Macau! Jenny, Meghan, and I leave at 8:00am tomorrow morning, we'll be in Macau by 10:30!!!! I'm looking forward to 4 days of rest and relaxation, plus some site-seeing!! So, look for Macau updates later next week!

On a side note, I finally finished labelling and organizing a lot of my photos, so here are some sites:

When Mom and Adam were in Korea:http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2122928671&code=18282353&mode=invite&DCMP=isc-email-AlbumInvite

August: http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2121450866&code=18250867&mode=invite&DCMP=isc-email-AlbumInvite

and I know September isn't over yet, but here are all the photos I have for this month so far: http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2121269916&code=18282443&mode=invite&DCMP=isc-email-AlbumInvite

Enjoy! And stay tuned for Macau photos!

Have a good weekend/beginning of next week!!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Quick Update

Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while. Everything here is going fine. On Friday night it was my friend Peter's birthday so we went out in Seoul to celebrate. On Saturday Peter was nice enough to take us to a travel agent and we booked tickets to MACAU!!!! That's right folks, on Saturday I will be leaving for Macau! Well...Friday night I'm spending the night at Jenny's house, then we are headed for the airport bright and early Saturday morning. For those of you that don't know, Macau is a little island South of China near Hong Kong. In 1999 Macau was handed over from Portuguese rule. The main language spoken is Cantonese (which I cannot speak), second is English, and third is Portuguese. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures for you. I will be gone until Wednesday morning (that's right...plane lands in Incehon at 6:30 Wednesday morning and I teach at 10, so hopefully nothing is delayed)!!!! Well, off to bed now, I have Taekwondo with Jaclyn after school tomorrow!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Land of the Dead!

Today was a fairly boring day at work. I taught my 3 classes. After work, Meghan decided to come down to Osan to see Land of the Dead at the new Osan theater! First, we had kamjatang for dinner again (2nd time in like 4 days)!!! Then we headed over to the theater just in time to grab some popcorn and catch our movie. We missed all the previews. There were only 2 other people in the theater (which is almost unheard of in Korea). All-in-all the movie was fairly good. Much better than what I expected from a zombie movie. So...all you zombie movie fans... head on out and see Land of the Dead (which might actually not be in theaters in the US and might be either on dvd or soon to be on DVD, movies come out weird at the theaters here)!!!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Asian Food Festival

Today Jaclyn, Parker, two of Jaclyn's friends, and I went to an Asian Food Festival in Songtan. It was pretty interesting, we got to eat food from Nepal, the Phillipines, and Vietnam to name a few. Wandering around the grounds were people dressed up. This is a picture of Jaclyn, Parker, and I with what I believe are people dressed up as Japanese Anime characters (I don't really know). Then we went to Songtan so I could show people wear to buy American goods and normal sized clothing. While there, I bought a HELLO KITTY WATCH!!!! It was fairly uneventful, but entertaining none the less!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

An evening with co-workers

Today some of the teachers at my school and I got together to hang out. I met them at 1:30 at school. From school we walked to the new movie theater in Osan. It is a fairly nice theater, though small. Outside the movie theater is a New York Hot Dog restaurant, so if I ever need a chili dog, I know where to go now^^ We saw After the Sunset with Pierce Brosnan and Selma Hayek. I wasn't very impressed with the movie. The picture below is the teachers, one of our students, and me. From left to right: Go Yoon-Mi (Home Economics), Nam Hyeon-Ju (one of my English co-teachers), me, Hong Mi-Jeong (Chemistry), Im Hye-Jin (another one of my co-teachers) and one of our students that we ran into. After the movie we decided to go over to the Home Economics teacher's apartment. We stopped at the grocery store on the way and picked up some food for dinner and beer!!! After eating the food we had bought and drinking our first bottle of beer, we decided to order some spicy chicken and more beer! So, the restaurant delievered the spicy chicken and 2 more bottles of beer. This lasted us a little while longer, but another beer run was still necessary. Im Hye-Jin and Hong Mi-Jeong decided to go on a beer run! They came back with one more bottle and a bottle of flower flavored soju. The flower flavored soju was actually quite tasty. But we drank all of that in under 10 minutes (there were 4 of us), so the home economics teacher and I ran on the next beer run and brought back 4 bottles of MGD and 2 more big bottles of Korean beer. By 11 we had drank all of that and decided to call it a night. One of the Chemistry teacher's friends drove to Osan to give us all rides home, so I didn't even have to take a cab! It was a very interesting night and one of the first times I've gotten to hang out with teachers outside of school. By the end of the evening everyone was conversing in English rather well even. I was very impressed! The picture to the left is me, Go Yoon-Mi (home ec) and Im Hye-Jin (my co-teacher).